Friday, January 11, 2013

Google Analytics for Beginners (Charlotte, NC 11/17 @ 11:30AM)

Don't miss my presentation on Google Analytics for Beginners at the next @cnpcharlotte meeting!
  • Have you heard of Analytics, but don't know what it is?
  • Have you been told you need Analytics, but don't know why?
  • Have you ever thought about implementing Analytics, but thought it was too much trouble or too complicated?
  • Moreover, do you currently have Analytics running on your website but don't know what to make of the data or how to access the data you want?
If the answer to any of those questions is "Yes," come on over to the presentation! I will be covering those topics and answering questions. I will also throw in some tips that I use on sites like

I have been developing websites since 1998 and was an early adopter of Analytics. Since then I have deployed Analytics onto countless websites and became a Google Analytics Qualified Individual through Google's certification program. I am the Website Development Manager at Limelight Web Development and a member of Charlotte Networking Professionals. Come by and meet everyone, have some good lunch, ask me some Analytics questions, and have a great time!

Location: Villa Antonio Italian Ristorante
                 4707 South Blvd
                 Charlotte, NC 28217

Lunch/Admission: $14

RSVP (optional): Facebook Event Page

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How to Watch UltraViolet Digital Copy Movies on Your Android

So you just bought a new DVD or Blu-Ray and it includes a Digital Copy/UltraViolet copy... what does that mean? First of all, Digital Copy refers to a digital version you can unlock to watch via iCloud/iTunes... basically for Apple people. Since we are talking about Android, that is not what we are trying to achieve... that is where UltraViolet comes in.

If you unlock the UltraViolet version of the movie, you'll be able to watch it via Vudu (WalMart's media streaming service) which is accessible via your computer/PS3/blu-ray player/smart tv/etc. Unfortunately, Vudu's Android app is not supported across all Android devices. It also has some performance drawbacks (currently at least). The alternative? Watch your UltraViolet copy via Flixster for Android. Flixster is a free app and it can tie to your UltraViolet account to access the digital movies you've unlocked. It won't allow you to stream if you're on a rooted device, so you'll either need to be on a non-rooted Android phone or use something like OTA RootKeeper (as described here and at your own discretion).

Another thing to note is that when you buy a DVD or Blu-Ray with Digital Copy/UltraViolet, you'll have to choose one or the other. You can't access both digital versions and you can only redeem the code once. Apple's Digital Copy is only usable via iTunes/iCloud which greatly limits the devices it can be used on. UltraViolet can be used on many more devices (including Apple products), therefore being more flexible and my suggestion.

Here is a screenshot of my Samsung Galaxy S3 playing the UltraViolet copy of "Dredd" (released today!) via Flixster. The performance has been perfect!

Get Notified of Google+ Posts Important to You!

Have you caught yourself logging on to Google+ only to notice a friend or business has posted something you would have otherwise completely missed?

Now you can stay on top of the posts from users of your choice by getting notifications from Google+. How? Well, it isn't the most straightforward option to get to via Google+, in fact I don't even know if you can. Instead, you have to access to settings for this directly at the URL below.

When I say you'll get notifications, I mean you not only get emails, but you also will get Android notifications on your Android smartphone. This is a nice touch.

Before you do this, be sure and create a circle like "VIP" or "Important" that you can use for receiving notifications of every post. You certainly want to be able to manage this before your email gets flooded uncontrollably.

All that being said, simply visit to turn notifications on for the Circle(s) of your choosing. Add me while you're at it ;-) +Robert Waddell